Can You Achieve Colour Scheme Like A Display Home?

Posted by Robert Tsien on

Can You Achieve Colour Scheme Like A Display Home?

When you walk into a display home, if you ever had the pleasure of doing, there is often the gasping moment of "Wow, wish my house was like this". Take away the decor and furnishing, it's just plain as can be. An interior designer would have designed the interior to achieve maximum impact and wow factor. Colour scheme would be a very important part of achieving this. What colour goes well with what. There's a uni course fot that.

Read up on everything about colour theory here Basics of Colour Theory 

Seriously I think most people would have a good sense of what colours go well with what. I'll give it to the ladies. They know how to match accessories to their dresses.

So can you achieve this at home? I'm sure you can. Just how far you get is the question. If you are starting from brand new house without any legacy furnishing you'll have a much better chance. When we moved into our new house, we did try. But with ad hoc furnishings from the old house that had no regard to intentional interior decorating, plus the fact that we don't want to spend too much. The level you achieve this, well it's all down to how much you want to spend.

Here are some trends in colour to consider Colour Combinations of 2019

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